Monday, November 1, 2010

Same Basic Plotline, Three Different Series

Lesson #226 - Vampirism, courtesy of
The fact that Halloween was yesterday combined with the fact that I am grossly behind on some of my favorite TV shows makes me realize exactly the nearly-disgusting overabundance of vampires in our culture lately. (I'll openly admit that I help contribute to this gross overabundance, but I'll have more on that later.) Seeing this picture over the weekend did little to change my mind.

Vampires are freaking EVERYWHERE. And I hate to admit this, but they're kinda starting to really bug me.

That said, I can't really complain too much. I am desperately trying to catch up with two of my favorite TV shows, one of which is currently in an off-season and the other which is currently in its second season, both of which are about none other than vampires. Not to mention, I'm also a little ashamed to admit I own the entire Twilight series and have already seen the three movies that have already been released.

But let me explain.  True Blood, The Vampire Diaries, and the Twilight franchise are my guilty pleasures. Maybe even not that guilty. But they all entertain me to some extent. With True Blood, it's the fact that a lot of the romanticism is stripped away from the vampires, which may or may not be attributed to it airing on HBO. I mainly watch The Vampire Diaries for the character Damon; his smart-ass, don't-get-in-my-way-or-I'll-kill-you attitude rarely fails to deliver. (Apparently I'm not the only one who thinks so, according to this article on IO9.) And Twilight, well, it's just so bad it's almost good. Almost.

Courtesy of
My biggest pet peeve about all three of these, though, is that you could basically strip away all the character names and personal backgrounds and all three story lines will still be pretty much identical, as the chart can explain. Granted, each series has its differences, but those are very few and far between.

Thankfully, vampires finally have some competition in pop culture obsession with classic horror movie characters. AMC's new zombie show, The Walking Dead (you can check out the show's site here) is certainly a forerunner to help zombies knock vampires off their pop culture throne. Which is becoming more and more likely, according to this article from Comcast.

Well, now I have another TV show I'll have to keep with every week. And I hope this one won't have a love triangle or a werewolf lurking around. 



  1. I really like this post. But I don't like the vampire craze! Hopefully zombies will take over and the best part is that there is no way anyone can try to make them sexy. Or is there??

  2. I haft to defend Vampire Diaries just because the books did come out in like 1990. And also the Vampire Diaries books are actually not that good and I enjoy the show more (I also agree that pretty much the only reason I watch is because of Damon) Now I feel like Twilight came out, HBO saw its popularity with mothers and created TruBlood just for them. As for Twilight, I go off on a rant about that on Courtneys blog so check there for my opinions in that area. Also that basic plotline is the same for almost any teen book about vampires so it really isn't that shocking.

  3. Are they really that similar? That chart is very vague I think there would need to be many more details than those to make them the same storyline. I've only read/ watched twilight because the whole vampire hype got really annoying. That is interesting that they are all the same basically, glad I'm not really missing out on some great story by not reading or watching the other two.

  4. I dont care for the vamp craze, Vamps to me arent about being a hunk with eyes you could look into all the live long day.(OR NIGHT) They are suppose to be something of evil. I like the true blood series as well. I dont like admiting it. BILL!

  5. Sadly, I have seen all three you compared. In my defense, I did not like Twilight. I do, however, like Vampire Diaries and I would like True Blood more if it wasn't so sexual.

  6. Also, I am with you. Damon is my favorite character. He is so much better than Stefan.

  7. I very much hope that zombies can throw down the vampire empire. Although zombies are a bit less erotic.

  8. I thought zombies already were on top; it was just recently they were overpowered by vampires.
